There are basically a couple of ways that most people drive traffic for CPA

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- One of the most popular ways of doing this
is by traffic arbitrage. This is where you buy
advertising using strategies such as PPC, PPV,
SEO, Media buys etc and then send that traffic
to the CPA offers you are promoting. If done
right, you make money on the difference
between what you pay for advertising and
what you make from each genuine lead you generate to the CPA offer.

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- Another model that works very well is to build a list in any chosen market,
then send them CPA offers regularly. This in my opinion is the best way to
make money with CPA marketing because you can market to the same list
over and over again. So in other words, you pay once to get the prospect on
to your list and then promote to them regularly.

Both models have their pros and cons however, in my opinion you should
test extensively in each niche you go after to find out which method will
work for you.

Next is:
How to Get Started With CPA Networks


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