Financial Freedom for Everybody

$1000 per Day Sitting At Your Computer At Home

Paypal Booster Ultimate
Selling Other People’s Stuff for Profit…

The internet today is filled with an unlimited amount of opportunities to jump on…  Whether you’re a newbie or veteran of the internet marketing game, without a doubt, online marketing is constantly changing.  New types of marketing strategies are being introduced every year (sometimes every month!), so it’s almost impossible to stick with one marketing strategy.

One marketing strategy, however has remained consistent within the past few years, and many individuals are now only finding about this online marketing opportunity…It’s no secret, affiliate marketing is on top of the internet marketing list of creating a fortune online. was one of the first companies to introduce this system into its company’s marketing plan, and since then, has continued to be a successful online venture for the past 5 years, generating revenues of $5.6 billion a year

So what are affiliate programs and how can you earn a constant monthly income with them?

Before I get down to the nitty gritty, let’s define what an affiliate program is… An affiliate or associate program are revenue sharing partnerships where companies (or merchants) pay webmasters (YOU) commissions for sending them customers.

You are paid a commission if the person buys a product or service, (PPS or Pay Per Sale - Most Popular Option), clicks on an affiliate link (PPS or Pay Per Click - Less popular due to fraud) or simply fills out a form (PPL or Pay Per Lead - Also Very Popular).

Basically, affiliate programs are programs that enable you to sell other peoples products for a percentage of the sale.  These commissions can range from 5% all the way to 75% per sale!

But the most popular type of affiliate programs now are the ones that pay you on a monthly basis! These are called residual income affiliate programs, and to be honest with you, these are one of the most reliable ways to make consistent monthly income for yourself.

Residual income affiliate (RIA) programs pay you a certain amount each month for every customer you send to them, that's stays on with their service, whether that be web hosting, online dating or membership sites.

Let me explain the power of these types of programs. With regular affiliate programs, you get paid a once off sum for the sale you produce, and after while you tend to run out of buying customers, so you have to quickly move on to another affiliate program to keep trying to make a monthly wage.

Don’t get me wrong, regular affiliate programs are still a great way to make money online if you don’t want the hassle or hard work of owning and developing your own product.

However, with residual income affiliate programs, if you get a customer to sign up, and they use the merchant’s service for say 6 months, you get paid a percentage of the sale for 6 months. Let's say you sold a web hosting account and for every sale you get $10.

Not allot, but considering the customer is staying for 6 months, you just made $60 from that customer, not just the initial $10 sale, and the best thing is, services like these are normally necessities. IE, every website must have web hosting correct?

So by selling services people need, it makes your job a heck of allot easier that's for sure.

When I first started, I started with affiliate programs that paid me one lump sum, and while the money was good, I was working way too hard. Now instead of promoting 40 or 50 one off sale affiliate programs, I promote 10 to 12 monthly programs instead, and in this guide, I'm going to show you the same exact method.

So why do some many affiliates fail to make any real money? Here are the main reasons:

1. Giving up - Affiliate programs are hard. Don't take it any other way. Making money with affiliate programs can be a pain in the butt, but it can also be the most rewarding thing in the world. I remember when I made my first sale back in 2002, I was ecstatic. The best thing was, I made another 10 sales on that same day and from there I never looked back!

You can't give up, nay, YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP. Keep plugging away until you find something that works, because it will one day and if you follow my advice, that day will be soon.

If you do nothing, you get nothing, so everyday, get out there and promote, promote, promote.

Since most affiliate programs are free to join, you will notice you will have a lot of competition. Don't let that scare you off, as 99% of them won't make 1 sale and probably .5% of will make good money from that one affiliate program, and most of the time, it's not the merchants fault they are not making money, only their own.

I've literally learnt I can sell ice to Eskimos if I follow my plan. I came up with this little sales method believe it or not when I was doing high level telemarketing, selling $10,000 to $100,000 products like web design services and small businesses.

2. The information they are reading is incorrect -
You get a lot of information on the net, most of it free, but no one checks the quality of that information now do they? That's right, without buying manuals and reading and more importantly, experimenting, you will get nowhere. If you have a belief that this business will cost you nothing to get started, then you are sadly mistaken my friend.

Like any business, advertising, costs money, setup, costs money. Affiliate programs are a business and I know allot of people making $5,000 to $25,000 a month with them.

Here's a tip. Treat your affiliate program business like any other business you would start. It requires time and money. You can't expect to make good money with affiliate programs with out being set up to succeed.

I really suggest you broaden your marketing horizon and read as much as you can. Of course this can cost a fortune, but if you really want to learn just about all you will need to succeed online, then you need to join Terry Dean's For $19.95 a month, it's a well rounded marketing education, and one place I learnt a lot from.

There are hundreds, even thousands of ways to make money with affiliate programs, so don't think this method is the only way, but I believe it's the best, by far!

As you know, we will be mainly focusing on residual income affiliate programs, IE, affiliate programs that pay you monthly.

But let me tell you about one of the most successful ways to make money with affiliate programs.

Email marketing and lead generation. It sounds complicated I know, but it's not.

The whole aim of affiliate marketing should be collecting email addresses. Unless you know how to drive millions of people to a web site, you will need to collect email addresses. You will need your own permission based opt in mailing list.

An opt in mailing list is where people sign up for your newsletter or information your offering and in exchange they give you their email address so you can contact when you have more information or any offers you want to tell them about.

The difference between this and spam is, these people request your information, you just don't go and get email addresses from all over the place.

I'm sure you are all on some sort of newsletter or ezine as it's most commonly called.

What I will be showing you in this book is how to create a free 5 day email course that promotes an affiliate program that you've joined. Then you will continually follow up these prospects until they buy, then you sell them higher priced products.

You will be giving them free information in exchange for their email address and if they like the information you've given them, they will buy the product you are promoting via your free 5 day course.

Here are the steps you have to follow to make this work.

1. Find a topic you’re interested in.

2. Find a few residual income affiliate programs that fit into that category and join them.

3. Set up your web site, with an email subscription form and free articles.

4. Create your free 5 day course to send via your auto responder.

5. Writing your own ezine ad copy for your free course.

6. Advertise your web site via search engines and reciprocal linking.

7. Advertise your free course via ezine advertising, and other marketing methods.

8. Backend your prospects and customers until they reach their money peak.

9. Create another free course and start all over again.

The tools you are going to need are:

* An unlimited accounts autoresponder
* Domain name
* Web hosting
* Html editor
* FTP program
* Excel or some other sort of database program
* Email program like

If your going to be working from home, I suggest you create a little office area for yourself. There is nothing worse then being interupted constantly when your trying to work and believe me you will be if you don't designate an area for yourself.

The biggest problem I have is the fact people assume that since I'm working from home, I'm really not doing anything at all and people constantly ring me, walk in when I'm busy working and other things like that.

What I had to do was not only designate a time where no one could disturb me, but I claimed rights to a spare bedroom :) No one else is allowed in there.

Another few words of wisdom is to get an extremely comfortable chair, as your going to be sitting for a few hours a day. You will also have to make sure you have adequate lighting and your space feels comfortable and not too cramped up.

This really is important. Treat it like a real business and you will get real results.

The aim of this whole process is to become a SUPER AFFILIATE. My definition of a super affiliate is some one who earns over $4000 a month solely with affiliate programs. However, more important then the money (Ok, maybe not more important) is how they make the money. If they have to work 80 hours a week to earn that kind of money, what's the point?

The whole point of working from home is to spend time with loved ones and relax!

That's why promoting affiliate programs that pay you monthly, whether you do anything at all, is in my opinion the only way to make money on the Internet!

So you see the whole process is as follows:

1. Advertise your free 5 day course via an autoresponder.

2. With those leads generated, advertise a residual income affiliate program in your 5 day course.

3. Back end your prospects with even more affiliate programs. Just because the 5 day course is finished, it doesn't mean you can't contact them with other offers. You will eventually work your way up to where some customers will continually buy from you. Let's say your advertising a membership site about affiliate programs in your free 5 day course.

These affiliates will also need down the track, web hosting, autoresponders, domain names, other marketing courses and so on. Your aim is to give one market everything they need to succeed.

4. Start over again and create another free course on a totally different subject.


Choosing the Right Affiliate Program…

First we have to find the right topic for you and see if that topic has any good residual affiliate programs to join.

For instance, I have a passion for marketing and I know for a fact that there are plenty of affiliate programs to join, but I'm looking for something that hasn't been promoted much and is something I know a lot about.

I'm also looking for something that pays me over $10 per month. So where do I begin to look? This is also crucial to what topic you choose to start your affiliate empire on.

Currently there are not allot of affiliate programs that pay you monthly, so you are some what limited by that, but there is a great directory run by Allan Gardyne at that lists affiliate programs that pay you for life. It's a great site.

Like I said before, I'm going to choose at this point one Internet Marketing related products or service to promote. The reason I say I will pick one at this point is for the fact that later on down the track, I'm going to have to choose another two or three more to keep promoting to my ever growing opt in mailing list.

In no way do you have to choose Internet Marketing related programs. You could choose online dating, health and beauty, education or even web hosting. Web hosting is great because everyone with a web site needs web hosting for their site to function, therefore, why would they not want to use the web hosting service you are promoting?

Of course, you will need to know something about the product or service you are selling considering your going to have to do a little bit of writing on the subject.

So how do you choose a good affiliate program from a bad one. If you’re at all familiar with affiliate programs, you've probably heard about some of the scams affiliate program owners have pulled like not paying commissions or stealing traffic, but don't despair, there are some really great affiliate programs out there.

Here are a few things to look out for.

1. They pay you more then $10 monthly.

This is pretty critical. If your start promoting affiliate programs that pay you any less, your going to have a hard time breaking even on advertising costs, unless your advertising is free.

Let me explain. The purpose of advertising your first affiliate program and free course is to break even on the first month. For instance, let's say you spend $100 on advertising, but for that $100 you get 10 new sign ups for your affiliate program at $10 each e so that's $100 a month there, and on top of that you get 100 new subscribers to your mailing list that you can contact anytime with more offers.

If you can break even on the advertising for the first month, you are doing very well.

Our aim in this book is to get 10,000 people in your mailing list for your free course, plus 500 paying monthly customers by the end of 12 months.

With those figures, we will be very conservative and say that each of those 500 people only sign up for a $10 affiliate program you are promoting, but what's 500 by 10?

$5000 a month!

That is on total autopilot.

2. They answer their emails quickly

If you email them and ask them questions about their affiliate program and you don't hear back from them in weeks or even not at all, this is a sure sign they don't take their affiliate program seriously and the support you will get will probably be just as bad.

People forget to realise that affiliates are the life blood of any residual income affiliate program. If they answer their emails quickly and to the point, and they meet every criteria set here, then join with confidence.

3. Their product meets up to your standards

I never promote a product or service unless I've used it myself and found it helpful. How can you honestly promote something unless you've used it yourself?

If you can't recommend the product, then it will be extremely hard to write positive things about them and considering your going to have to write a little bit about them you will need to be pumped up and excited by the prospect of telling people about this company.

4. They don't have any negative feelings in the community is a big example here. They have been stuffing affiliates around for as long as I can remember and they do it often. Not only that, hasn't had the best reputation for customer service either.

You will be fighting an up hill battle promoting products or services that have gotten a bad wrap.

If you can't find anything bad here, you might be on a winner. Combine this method with the other three and you should be fine!

Final Words…

Residual Income Affiliate Programs are the easiest way to set up residual income streams! It’s just that simple, it’s the easiest and fastest way to do it.

How does it compare to other ways of getting residual income streams?

Well, you could create your own product.

But that will take a lot of time, effort and money. And guess what, you will always have to do customer support and answer emails daily. Plus you will need to keep advertising your website.

With Residual Income Affiliate Programs, there is no customer support, no answering emails or anything like that. You just promote it once, sit back and collect the pay checks!

Or, you could do it with real estate.

But first, you will need a few hundred thousand dollars to buy a house or apartment. Than you will need to find some tenants to rent the place to and hope they wont trash your investment.

And after all that, you can get a residual or passive income of about $1,000 / month at best! Oh, and you will probably have to fix toilets every couple of moths and check up on your house or apartment.

As you can see, I did those comparisons for a reason. That reason is to show you how amazing Residual Income Affiliate Programs are!

They are a truly revolutionary, easy and simple way to set up as many residual income streams as you want!

So why not get started right now! So you can lay back and enjoy you efforts while the money keeps rolling in month after month after month.

Hundreds of people are doing just that! They have promoted the programs, got people to buy / sign up and are now doing what ever the heck they want! Because every month, they get a bunch of fat pay checks in the mail...don’t you think it’s about time you joined them?  


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